Domenico Maria Belzoppi

exhibition space


Domenico Maria Belzoppi

This year marks the 160th anniversary of the death of Domenico Maria Belzoppi (1796-1864). He was a leading figure for thirty years of San Marino hi- story, who fought for the independence of the Republic and granted asylum to Italian patriots during the Risorgimento. He was five times Captain Regent and one of the protagonists of the so-called “Escape of Garibaldi”.

Belzoppi’s intricate political and human life is illustrated in this exhibition organised by the Istituti Culturali – Public Archive and Public Library in collaboration with the Public Museums. In the exhibition, in addition to a selection of documentary and book material and museum memorabilia, you will find a range of insights that you can access via your smartphone.

The audio content has been produced in collaboration with the cultural project Storia in Flanella. The voices you will hear are those of experts and historians, both from San Marino and elsewhere. This collective work aims at conveying the complexity of a figure who, for too long, has not been given the space that he deserves.



Introduction: an eventful century

voiced by Carlotta Serra Ciotti

1. The early years and affiliation to the Carboneria


Early ears and affiliation

voiced by Federica Ghirotti


The Grandfather's seal

voiced by Eleonora Gasperoni

2. The 1834 arrest and political activity


Arrest and imprisonment


Imprisonment and political activity

voiced by Syria Atzeni

3. Activity as notary

4. The Roman Republic and the escape of Garibaldi


Garibaldi's Escape and the Austrian invasion

voiced by Rebecca Guidi

5. Invasion by Austrian and Papal troops


Garibaldi's Escape and the Austrian invasion

voiced by Rebecca Guidi

6. Difficult years and exile


The satire of the 5 Bs and the Bonelli murder

voiced by Elisa Stefanelli


The difficult years and exile

7. The celebrations

Under the patronage of

Ecc.mi Capitani Reggenti

Sponsored by

Segreteria di Stato Istruzione e Cultura
Giunta di Castelli di Città
Giunta di Castello di Borgo Maggiore

Curated by

Istituti Culturali
Archivio di Stato e Biblioteca di Stato

Graphic Project

Giulia Galassi

Audio contributions

Verter Casali
Roberto Ganganelli
Giuseppe Giardi
Paolo Rondelli
Valentina Rossi

English audio contributions

Syria Atzeni
Carlotta Serra Ciotti
Eleonora Gasperoni
Federica Ghirotti
Rebecca Guidi
Elisa Stefanelli

With the collaboration of

Istituti Culturali
Musei di Stato
Arti Performative

Azienda Autonoma di Stato per i Lavori Pubblici

Divisione Numismatica e Filatelica – Poste spa
Ufficio traduttori e interpreti – Dipartimento Affari Esteri

Thanks and collaborations

Storia in Flanella
The Space